calm dog, dog in home

The benefits of a mobile vet service

  • In-home veterinary care is ideal for

    • The senior pet and/or owner

    • Multiple pet households

    • Pets with travel anxiety or motion sickness

    • Large or disabled pets

    • Owners without transportation

    • Young pets without mature immune systems

  • Less stress on you and your pet

  • No exposure to sick or contagious animals

  • Convenient and time saving

  • Consistency - you’ll always see the same veterinarian

  • No more cramped waiting rooms

  • In-home visits provide the advantage of the vet seeing your animal in it’s normal environment. The vet will see your animal’s normal behavior, in a calm physical state and its typical living conditions.

  • In-home euthanasias allow your pet a peaceful goodbye, surrounded by their loved ones in the comfort of their own home.